How does the information from the videos in Chapter 5 on Language and Reading impact me as a teacher?

The language and reading videos were a confirmation how important language development and reading are. I want to teach kindergarten, so this is vital information for me to know and to hone in on. I feel like I can prepare myself (depending where I teach) for students who will come to school with no prior reading and who won't be read to at home throughout the year. I can at least do my part at school to expose them to as much rich literature and opportunities to read with others and listen to an audio as possible.
I found the videos very enlightening especially how infants need human interaction to grasp language. Also how the back of the brain is affected for those with dyslexia.
The information was informative. I know have the background knowledge to be sensitive to those who could have dyslexia and perhaps have a conversation with the parents or with specialists.

I am such a passionate (prior) homeschooling parent who has read continuously with and out loud to my kids and seen the benefit of doing so. After watching these videos, it is very apparent how important it is to instill reading at a young age.  I can see from my own experience that they love reading and are good readers  because I got excited about reading and gave them opportunities to read out loud and to listen to audio books.


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