Lesson 4 Helping Kids Succeed

What does it mean to be relational as a teacher? 

Relational as a teacher means: having a positive relationship between the teacher and student.
Instead of the teacher being a  "dictator", there is an equal respect between the teacher and student. There is a communication that exists between the student and teacher that is similar to a friendship. The teacher knows the student's weaknesses/strengths.  The teacher is aware of possible personal family issues at home. 

definition of relational: concerning the way in which two or more people or things are connected.

How will you interact with your students to accomplish this?
The way I will interact with my student to accomplish this is: 

Reaching out - checking if my student has any questions or struggles

Honing in on my student's interests and talents. - knowing my students well enough to find out their talents and interests through conversation, questions and possible quizzes 

Being real - being vulnerable. Sharing some of my failings in order to help my student through their struggles. Not acting "better than."

Giving respect in order to earn respect - talking to my students like adults or equals but still being the teacher of authority.

Sharing a common interest - finding out some things we have in common. Talking about it. Doing an activity together as a class.

Showing interest - asking questions, genuinely caring. Touching base and asking about the game they had on the weekend or the awkward dinner with their new stepdad.
Going to their games and performances also builds relations.


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